
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bruce Meneley Obituary : Shooting Death : Medical & Naval Officer Killed While Trying To Have Sexual Relations With 2 Minors In Seattle Hotel

Bruce Meneley, a former high-ranking Navy doctor who had managed the emergency medical department at Guantanamo Bay, was dead after being shot by the San Diego Police Department (SPD) on Monday. It was believed that Meneley was a person who preyed upon children.

The man who was shot and died in a hotel in Seattle has been named by the coroner for the city of Seattle. He was 67 years old. It was with the goal of engaging in sexual activity with the youngsters, who were 7 and 11 years old, that he had entered the room. 

Former captain Bruce Coval Menely has a rating of 0-6 and has served in that capacity. During his time in government, he served as the head of the medical staff at Guantanamo Bay and worked for both the Bush administration and the Obama administration. 

24-01161 is the identifying number assigned to the coroner for the city of Seattle. Bruce Coval Meneley is a male who is 67 years old and hails from Tukwila. 17 April, 2024 Death was caused by gunshots.

He had previously met with the mother, who was an undercover police officer, to propose paying her to participate in illegal activities with her two underage children. The investigation is continuing to establish that this is not his first infraction in this area; he had previously met with the mother. 

As someone who is in charge of personnel, especially as a medical officer and a naval officer, this is something that causes me a great deal of concern.

The thirty-year-old Navy captain, who was a coward right up until the moment he took his last breath, resided in a mansion that was worth two million dollars before he passed away at a motel in Tukwila.


  1. I wonder if the contents of his computer and phone will be made public?

  2. So much wrong info. Learn to proof read. San Diego police, but shot in Seattle? 33 years old? He’s in his 60s.
