
Monday, April 22, 2024

Charles Edge Minneapolis MN Obituary : Charles Edge Death : American Computer Scientist & Writer Has Passed Away

Tragically, the world lost a brilliant American computer scientist and prolific writer Charles Edge. Edge was well-known for his incisive pieces on and Huffington Post. The tech community is mourning his loss without knowing what exactly caused his demise.

Throughout his impressive career that lasted for decades, Edge held key positions at industry-leading technology firms. He was most notably the chief technologist of 318 Inc. in Santa Monica for fifteen years, and then he worked at Jamf Pro for five years. His leadership and vision were fundamental in his roles as Chief Technology Officer at Bootstrappers and HandrailUX, where he was a respected figure until he passed away.

Defcon, Blackhat, LinuxWorld, and MacSysAdmin were just a few of the illustrious conferences where Edge was a highly sought-after speaker. Global audiences were captivated by his mesmerizing lectures and profound thoughts.

Not only could Edge captivate an audience with his oratory, but he was also an accomplished writer. His many authoritative books covered topics such as server administration, Apple device management, and the security of Mac OS X and iOS. Among the many works he wrote, the tech world holds "Enterprise Mac Administrators Guide" and "Foundations of Mac OS X Security" in the highest esteem.

In addition to his published books, Edge was a prolific podcaster, appearing on and contributing to shows such as "The History Of Computing," "Jamf After Dark Podcast," and the "MacAdmins Podcast," where he conversed with both professionals and hobbyists about computing and offered his knowledge.

Edge's contributions to open-source projects such as precache, swift-ldif-csv, and jssimporter demonstrated his dedication to the community. As evidence of his commitment to both the arts and technology, he was a member of the Guthrie Theater's corporate council and Tamarisk's board of directors.

In January 2020, Edge established the Minnesota Computer History Museum to preserve the illustrious history of computers for the benefit of generations to come, adding to his impressive list of professional accomplishments.

With his experience as a technical editor for products like "Mac OS X for Unix Geeks" and as a member of the Apress editorial team for the Apple Inc. platform, Edge was essential in influencing and sharing information within the tech community.

Countless generations of engineers owe a debt of gratitude to Charles Edge for his incomparable contributions to computer science, his love of teaching, and his dedication to spreading knowledge. His absence is deeply felt.

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